Friday, December 17, 2010
WifI Calling on the MyTouch 4G
Because of the time zone differences most of my calls took place in off-peak hours, so essentially free calls. Sure beats the $1.29+ that most providers charge for international roaming.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
MyTouch 4G Initial review
One of the key functions that influenced my choice was T-Mobile's decision to make WiFi calling available on their Android phones, especially the MT 4G. After a small glitch during set-up, which was quickly resolved by calling Customer Care I was up and running. This feature is important at home as none of the major networks have very good reception in my area, specifically inside the house. In fact for out AT&T phones I am running their Micro-Cell. T-mobile does not need a microcell as WiFi calling uses any existing WiFi network to makes calls, for texting and of course for data. In addition, I am heading overseas for a business trip shortly and will be able to make calls from the other side of the world, without messing with SIM cards, unlocking the phone, etc.
In the first few days I was a little concerned about battery life, as I seemed to need to recharge quite frequently. While exploring the Settings function, I discovered a listing of power usage. This showed that over 50% of the battery power goes to the screen. in other words, the more you play with the phone, the quicker the battery will run down. If I just do my normal usage, without constantly viewing the screen, the phone easily lasts all day, including regular email and Facebook synching, as well as a number of phone calls.
I also just found out that Dish network have released an Adroid app which allows remote access to my DVRs, AND also streams the Slingbox that I have attached to one. This is a free app, which makes my wife jealous, as she paid $30 for the one on her iPhone. Buts apps will be the subject of a future post.
Monday, November 22, 2010
My Review of T-Mobile myTouch 4G Black
Originally submitted at Wirefly

The myTouch 4G for T-Mobile is the newest addition to the myTouch lineup. Running on Android 2.2 operating system, you can customize to your heart's content. With groundbreaking speed and exclusive features, the myTouch 4G is a premium smartphone. Lightning fast 4G speeds lets you download pho...
Great new phone
Phone Size: Average
Bluetooth Connectivity: Quality Connection
Data Connection Speed: Fast
Pros: Attractive Design, Easy to use, Great OS, Good Interface w/email, WiFi calling, Selection of apps, Brilliant Display, Easy Navigation
Cons: Display is battery hog
Best Uses: Organizing Schedule, Music, Texting, Organizing Contacts, Making Calls, Email, Web Browsing
Describe Yourself: Gearhead, Business Professional, Practical
This phone does everything that I was expecting, and then some. Battery life is OK, unless you spend all your time playing with the phone, then you probably need to recharge during the day
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The end is in sight
But there are a lost of rumors and presentations planeed this month, eg. Nexus 2/HD, a Samsung event, so I am still going to wait a few weeks before taking a final decisions.
Monday, October 4, 2010
The search for a new phone becomes hotter
- Android 2.2
- HSPA+ (near 4G, if not real 4G)
- Front facing camera (for video chat)
- WiFi Calling (not full blown UMA, but close enough)
- 5MP camera
Would have been nice if it had:
- Dual core processor (supposedly better battery life)
- (Micro)SD card slot (not listed, but who knows)
- Full UMA (including hand-off between cellular network and Wi-Fi network)
- AMOLED screen (no mention in any specs I could find)
- 4.3" screen (although this is the least of the wishes, due to the resultant size issue)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Further musings on the WM6.5 on Samsung EPIX
I am not so happy with the WM6.5 browser, even though it is more modern with a zoom capability. Of course, without multi-touch capability, the zoom has to be done with a slider. It requires a tap on the options button, a zoom button and then quickly to the displayed slider. If you are not quick enough the slider disappears, I wish that the wait time could be adjusted (registry hack anyone?). Also the slider is not so easy to use so you often spend time fiddling around to get the page at the right size to be able to both read the text, as well as view the page without constant scrolling left/right.
I have noticed that "Messaging" has changed slightly, not choice of "text" or "MMS" for a new message, it assumes text. I do like that a number of key apps and screen have finger gesture controls, e.g. flick scrolling.
Where I have noticed a huge improvement is the time to lock in the GPS satellites. Previously it took as long at 2-3 minutes, now it seems to be about 10-20 seconds! Also, the GPS battery drain is gone, so I can now use location based apps.
All in all, this update means that yes, I can use my phone for a few more months, while I wait to see what comes out of the woodwork around Christmas time. I suspect that T-Mobile's "Project Emerald" phone from HTC is going to be a strong contender; what with HSPA+ (21Mbps down/11Mbps up), UMA (hopefully) and Andriod.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Samsung EPIX WM6.5 update
This did require a reinstall of all key programs, an opportunity to clean out unused programs and to update the programs that I am using. For this I go to the site where the program was purchased and check to see whether there is a newre version. For my RSS reader, Newsbreak, I was shocked to notice a comment on the site that this program was NOT compatible with my listed phone (Not the Ilium Software site but a 3rd party retail site). So I did not re-install this program and since then did not have a single freeze.
So two pieces of good news this week that will enable me to extend the life of my EPIX until I am again upgrade eligible with AT&T. At that time I can take stock again and see what phones are available. There are some personal reasons to remain with AT&T, but to date their only super smartphone was the iPhone. Now that the Captivate (Samsung Galaxy S) has been announced this gives me a better phone to which I might switch. However, I am also still tempted by T-Mobile with their UMA feature and the HSPA+ network. perhaps by the time my AT&T contract is up T-Moble will also have a true HSPA+ phone. At 21M/s this would blow the Evo out of the water for network speed.
Look for a post in about 2 weeks with my WM 6.5 reviw.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Phillips VOIP321 Skype phone - initial review
I have used the phone to call the UK this weekend, both ways, regular Skype and Skype-Out, and both work easily and with good clarity. It is interesting to see the phone display the Skype contacts list as a phonebook, which makes dialing very, very easy.
Google Voice - First thoughts
The other feature I expect to use a lot is low cost international calling plan. After the installation of the AT&T Microcell and the shutdown of our VOIP service, which had free European land line calls included, I was looking for an alternative to call our European family members. To keep things simple, I have installed a Phillips VOIP321 phone at home, which used Skype to connect (see separate review). However, Skype has stopped support for Windows Mobile 6, so although I have the software I did not trust using it. I discovered that Google Voice also provides cheap international calling, actually fractionally cheaper than Skype-Out. So I am going to be using that for my cellphone. Basically, you use your browser to initiate a call, giving both your phone, as well as the number of the called party via the net. Google Voice then calls your phone and connects you to the required party. There is a way to directly connect from your phone, but as I have a smartphone, using the browser is a much easier way to go.
There is one other added benefit, Google Voice domestic calls are free. So I can use the same call and connect me to a chosen number for the rare occasion that I need to make a long distance call, not on my cellphone and from a location with restricted dialing, e.g. client site or hotel room. I have already tried this out on a one hour call, it worked great!
AT&T Microcell - initial thoughts
I have discovered one small issue, namely that my Belkin router, at a random frequency, shuts off the Internet for 5 to 15 seconds. I had actually noticed this on the VOIP service, especially on conference calls, where all of a sudden the line would be silent for 5-15 seconds. Now with the Microcell, it causes the device to lose its synch and it takes a little longer to get the signal back. Probably time to look for a new wireless/wired router.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
How to treat your customers when things go wrong
Note: As we deplaned, we received a coupon for the inconvenience, valid for 10,000 SkyMiles or $100. Now that is Customer Service! All passengers received this bonus!.
Extra Note: A week later a nice letter from Delta informaing that they had also added another 15,000 miles to my account, for the inconvenience. Delta, you really know how to treat your Elite customers well when things go wrong. Big KUDOS to you!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
New phone quandary
- Ability to tether or act as hotspot, so I can connect my laptop to the Internet if I have an urgent need.
- Exchange server sync for email, contacts, calendar and preferably notes
- Voice control (primarily for dialing) via Bluetooth
- WiFi
+ Android market, Verizon coverage, Skype
- only 3G, no simultaneous voice and data
Verizon Palm Pre
+ Free hotspot software & service, WebOS opearting system, cheap ($49 on offer)
- Hardware over 1 year old, no simultaneous voice & data, limited apps market
Sprint Evo 4G
+ Android market, Wimax speed in limited cities, large screen (4.3")
- Simultaneous voice & data only in 4G service area
AT&T iPhone 4G/HD
+ iPhone apps, simultaneous voice and data, possibly tethering (expected with release of new iPhone), HD screen?
- probably not 4G but UMTS 3.6 or 7.2 Mbps
Google Nexus on AT&T or T-Mobile
+ AMOLED (bright) screen (works well in sunlight), sunsidized via T-Mobile, UMTS 7.2Mbps
- AT&T version unsubsidized (=expensive)
T-Mobile Touch Slide
+ HTC Sense UI, physical keyboard, UNMTS 7.2Mbps
- Sliding keyboard, so probably thick
T-mobile has a very interesting capability, UMA, which basically allows the cell phone to use a WiFi network like the GSM network. The advantage is that you can use WiFi when traveling abroad without having to incur costly international data roaming charges. Your phone opeartes anywhere in thw orld as if it is on the US network. This is very good for the few, short trips that I make abroad. Currently UMA is only available on Blackberry smartphones, but there are rumors that T-Mobile will be bringing out an Android app later this year.
AT&T has the 3G voice and data micro-cell, which allow me to overcome the poor reception in my home.
Suggestion for Delta Airlines Web Department
- Paperless check-in is great, but why must I always enter my cellphone number. Can Delta not use my number from my profile? Or add an option in my profile to store the cellphone to which the paperless checkin message should be sent. It is not as if I use a different phone every day!
- If I do print out a paper boarding pass, why one page per segment? Before the merger NW only printed a single sheet, which was recognized on all segments that you travelled that day. Why did DL not bring that across?
- DL's flight notification system is one of the best in the industry in terms of reliability. Sometimes even just a 5 or 10 minute delay is immediately sent to my phone. However, why do I have to capture and store a 12 digit refernce number to be able to retrieve and cancel the notifications. I would prefer the ability to list all active notifications associated with my profile.
Fed up with Epix
- I am plagued with the phone freezing frequently, sometimes daily but never less than every third day. (Could be a WM 6.1 issue)
- Recently my USB connection seems to have stopped working.
- ATT & Samsung promised an upgrade to Windows Mobile 6.5, a supposedly more stable operating system, but nothing has materialized.
- There is a known bug in the ROM which means when you use the GPS functionality, the battery runs down in about an hour, instead of lasting most of the day.
Luckily I got a good deal when I purchased this phone, but it looks as if I may have to "invest" my savings in paying early termination fees and either getting a new phone or switching to a new carrier. I will list some alternatives and criteria in a separate post.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Stuffbak trial
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Update on Zuca Pro
Of course there are always some less positive issues, one small quirk is that the case is sometimes a little unstable when being pulled, due to its narrow wheelbase. Having said that, the big polymer wheels run very smoothly and the case is very easy wheel through the terminal and down the aircraft aisle.
All in all, a bag to be recommended, I expect it to last long beacuse of the strong aluminum frame.
Delta Paperless Check-in
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Rollaboard Luggage
I decided to go with the Zuca-Pro and was even able to get a good deal at, with delivery just before Christmas. So although not intended, it turned out to be an extra present uner the tree.
The Zuca has a very interesting approach, in that it has a solid aircraft aluminium frame, strong enough to use as a seat. Inside it has 6 fitted packing cubes, 5 "normal" and one clear 1-qt size for the TSA 311. Intially I was concerned about its capacity, because it is slightly smaller than my old Tumi (22" with suiter flap). But that turned out to be not as bad as I thought. My wife was concerned since the cubes are quite small and Zuca recommends rolling clothes up, rather than laying flat. So we packed it as suggested, left the clothes in all day (6-8 hours) and then unpacked them. We were both quite surprised how well they came out of it.
I am now on my first trip of the New Year and have squeezed 4 dress shirts, 5 pairs of dress socks, 5 underwear, a workout t-shirt, shorts and shoes (Earth travel sneakers). I have 3 ties, a sweater, an extra golf shirt and a pair of house pants. As well as a packet of jerky, 3 magazines and some cookies. This things can carry a lot!
No problems with the metal frame at the MCO TSA. and the thing rolls very freely. Now to see how it fits in the overhead. More details later.