Flight Statistics (since 1/1/2009)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Suggestion for Delta Airlines Web Department

I would like to give some advice to the IT developers at Delta, while they have some useful tools, these tools do not quite work as they should. As a frequent user of these tools, as well as a business systems consultant I feel that I am in a good position to offer suggestions for improvements.
  1. Paperless check-in is great, but why must I always enter my cellphone number. Can Delta not use my number from my profile? Or add an option in my profile to store the cellphone to which the paperless checkin message should be sent. It is not as if I use a different phone every day!
  2. If I do print out a paper boarding pass, why one page per segment? Before the merger NW only printed a single sheet, which was recognized on all segments that you travelled that day. Why did DL not bring that across?
  3. DL's flight notification system is one of the best in the industry in terms of reliability. Sometimes even just a 5 or 10 minute delay is immediately sent to my phone. However, why do I have to capture and store a 12 digit refernce number to be able to retrieve and cancel the notifications. I would prefer the ability to list all active notifications associated with my profile.

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